Android Jelly Bean: 10 things we want to see
So we've had a few days to digest Google's enormous update to Android, with the release of its "Ice Cream Sandwich" Android 4.0 software adding a huge amount of new functionality and visual polish to the mobile OS.
But what about the Android 4.5 or Android 5? Google pumps out Android updates faster than we can scoff double-choc Magnums, and it's already been reported that work on the next version of Android is under way, with the so-called "Android Jelly Bean " update next on the radar.
So what would we like to see in Andoid Jelly Bean? Can Android 4.0 be topped, or would we all be better off with HTC Sense, TouchWiz, or surrendering to the weight of public opinion and buying an iPhone 4S?
Here's what we'd like Google to include in Android Jelly Bean. Hit the comments to share your own Jelly Bean wishlist.
1. Full Chrome browser
The changes made to Android 4.0's web browser are welcome, bringing in the fancy Android 3.0 tabbed browsing system and support for Chrome's bookmark sync system. But with phone screens continually ballooning in size, a proper mobile version of Chrome in Android Jelly Bean, complete with bookmarks bar and constantly on-screen tabs, would make sense. Just to make phones and tablets feel more like home.
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